Magnificent and Marvelous Ideas About Security

How to protect your business from burglary

by Thea Lee

As a small business owner, you have a lot to think about regarding your job. One of those things might be how to protect your business from people wanting to damage it. Burglary and theft is something many people are worried about, and it can be even more difficult to protect your business from it than your home, as you don't spend all your time at your workplace. However, in order to protect your business from intruders, there are a few things you can think about.

Motion activated lights

Lights are commonly underestimated when it comes to security measures. However, simply installing motion activated lights outside of your workplace can deter many intruders. If the lights turn on as they approach the building, that makes burglars feel seen and can give an illusion that someone is inside the building. A good thing to do is to set the lights to turn on randomly as well as just when someone moves nearby. If burglars are monitoring your building, they won't be able to figure out for sure what activates the lights, which makes your workplace an unattractive place to rob.


You should also make sure that all your locks are whole and that you have locks that are hard to open by force. Use deadbolt locks on your doors, and make sure that any locks you might have for your windows are located so that the burglars can't just smash the glass to reach the lock and unlock it. You should also consider using different locks for all entrances into your building. This means you'll have different keys for all the doors, meaning that a burglar won't be able to get to all the spaces in your business just by getting their hands on one key.

Security guard

If your workplace contains a lot of valuable items, you might want to consider getting a security guard to patrol the grounds at night. This means your building will be protected even when you aren't there, and it's by someone that can do something about a situation straight away as opposed to a security camera that can only document the crime. Hire a guard from a security services firm and make sure that they call you directly if something were to happen. If you get notified straight away, you can sort the situation out with both the security company and possibly your insurance company as soon as possible, which can save you a lot of time and trouble. 
