Magnificent and Marvelous Ideas About Security

Tips for Eliminating Blindspots with Your Security System Cameras

by Thea Lee

If you are looking to incorporate CCTV surveillance into your security system, one of the concerns you will have is eliminating blindspots. A blindspot is an area that is not within the peripheral vision of your security camera. Blindspots tend to be common for a number of reasons. These will range from the vantage point of the camera, the resolution of the camera as well as the illumination available for the camera.

When installing security cameras, it is prudent to ensure that the view of every camera overlaps with the blindspot of the camera that is positioned closest to it. Keeping this in mind will enhance the overall coverage of your security cameras. Here are some other tips that you could use to eliminate any blindspots that your security cameras may be susceptible to.

Review your premises building plans.

When installing surveillance cameras, it is not simply about picking out high vantage points and mounting them there. To enhance their efficiency, you would be better off planning their positioning in accordance to your premises' building plans. This allows you to select the various locations of your cameras in accordance to how close they will be to the area they will be surveilling. Keep in mind that these security cameras come with varying lenses.

Therefore, take the time to consult with your security systems product provider about which lenses would work best for your building plans. This will eliminate blindspots based on the individual range of the various cameras you will be installing.

Take pictures of the surveillance areas.

Taking pictures of the areas you would like surveilled before purchasing the security cameras will give you a good idea of the scope that will be covered. A common mistake people make when purchasing security cameras is assuming that in the event the cameras can't see very far, all they would have to do is adjust the zoom feature. Although this is a possibility, you have to keep in mind that the more you zoom in on images, the blurrier they will become. This is especially apparent with low-resolution cameras.

By taking pictures beforehand, you have a better idea on how far you would like your security cameras to see. This enables you to select camera resolutions that would be able to achieve this without having to resort to zooming in as your first option.

Be wary of vandalism to your security cameras.

Before you install your security cameras, you have to consider whether they will be in a location that puts them at risk of damage. If your security cameras are susceptible to vandalism, then you will not have any footage to review, making the entire area a blindspot. If vandalism is a crucial concern, it is always best to select vandal-proof security cameras.
