Magnificent and Marvelous Ideas About Security

How Cloud Technologies Can Make Your Commercial CCTV System More Efficient

by Thea Lee

As it currently stands, many commercial CCTV systems are installed and maintained on your premises. This means that the cameras, alarms, control panels, software and servers are all physically present in various areas of the business. This approach is widely thought to give businesses more control over their CCTV systems and company security.

On the surface, it may seem that having all infrastructure on site can help you make the business more secure. But have you thought about the cost and efficiency of maintaining everything in house? Indeed, commercial CCTV systems can be quite costly to maintain. You often need to keep the physical machines in good condition in addition to carrying out regular updates on software.

The solution lies in the cloud

You can significantly reduce maintenance costs (and increase the efficiency of the security system) by migrating to the cloud. Cloud-based CCTV systems host all your software and servers, leaving only cameras, alarms and other physical connections on site.

Moving your security infrastructure to the cloud has the following benefits.

1. Routine maintenance is taken off your hands

If you have the entire security system installed on site, you'll have to incur the cost of routine maintenance. This includes updating software, adding security patches, maintaining servers for IP connections and maintaining your physical cameras.

Maintenance can be a lot of work (and money) for your business to carry out. However, migrating your CCTV system to the cloud means that half of the maintenance work is done for you. Because your software and servers are now on the cloud, you don't need to worry about storing security footage, creating backups and updating software. The only tasks you'll have to carry out are maintenance on physical cameras and alarm systems.

2. Lower risk of cyber attacks

Cyber attacks on security systems have become a top concern. If hackers access your system, they can manipulate your cameras, alarms and other settings from a remote location. This, in turn, may result in a less secure business.

Luckily, the cloud is a safe and often encrypted platform where hackers have much lower chances of gaining access.

3. Control the security system from mobile devices

Mobile control is a feature that many CCTV systems advertise. However, mobile access is often limited by range, connectivity and the version of the system that you're using.

Cloud-based CCTV systems have a more robust and reliable mobile control where you can access security footage, make adjustments to alarm systems and lock/unlock doors in real time. 
